Development =========== ``pup`` is openly developed on `GitHub `_, following a process that strives to be: * As simple as possible, but not simpler. * Easy to understand. * Structured. * Flexible. Substantiated contributions and discussions will be welcome. Environment ----------- Setting up a development environment should be done under a Python virtual environment: .. code-block:: console $ git clone $ cd pup/ $ pip install -e .[dev] Building the documentation, which will be available under ``docs/build/html/``: .. code-block:: console $ cd docs && make html Process ------- GitHub Issues, Labels, Milestones, and Pull Requests are used to track ``pup`` development. * Issues must be labelled and associated to a milestone. * Pull Requests must reference, at least, one issue (and preferably only one). * Pull Requests will not be merged if any of the GitHub checks fails. * Pull Requests will not necessarily be merged if all of the GitHub checks pass. Milestones ^^^^^^^^^^ The following `GitHub Milestones `_ are tracked: ================== ================================================================================ :guilabel:`NEXT` Issues and Pull Requests that will be included in the next release. :guilabel:`LATER` Issues and Pull Requests that will be worked on, but will not be included in the next release. :guilabel:`TBD` Issues and Pull Requests that will not be worked on until future decision. ================== ================================================================================ .. note:: Unassigned Issues will be assigned to the :guilabel:`TBD` milestone. At release time: * The :guilabel:`NEXT` milestone is renamed to the release version and closed. * A new :guilabel:`NEXT` milestone is created, with no associated Issues. Issues and Labels ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Development issues are used to describe, specify, discuss, evaluate, and track ideas on proposed changes to ``pup``, and will be `labelled `_ one of: ======================= ================================================================================= :guilabel:`enhancement` Describing a new feature or capability. :guilabel:`bug` Describing something that isn't working as documented. :guilabel:`release` Describing release process issues. :guilabel:`maintenance` Describing other development related issues: refactors, automation, process, etc. ======================= ================================================================================= Non-labelled issues are assumed to be support-related. They describe user experiences in using ``pup``, and will generally fall into one of the *"it doesn't work for me"* or *"it should do this new thing"* groups. Triaging and in-issue will either close such issues or label and associate them with a milestone, integrating them into the development process. General requirements: * All issues should describe a single, actionable topic. * Complex issues should be split into simpler, possibly related, issues. * :guilabel:`enhancement` issues: * Must describe the use-case, benefits and tradeoffs. * If applicable, should include sample code/CLI usage demonstrating the enhancement in action. * :guilabel:`bug` issues must: * Be explicitly reported against either the latest `PyPI released version `_ or the current `GitHub master branch `_. * Describe the steps to reproduce the bug, ideally with a minimal code/CLI usage sample. * Describe the expected and actual results. * Include a reference to where the documentation is inconsistent with the actual results, or highlight the fact that the behaviour is non-documented. * :guilabel:`maintenance` issues: * Must describe the purpose, benefits and trade-offs. Pull Requests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Pull Requests are implementation proposals for previously identified and agreed to be addressed issues. They are `tracked here `_ and: * Must reference an existing, open issue, and preferably only one. * May totally or partially contribute to closing the referenced open issue. * Will not be merged if any of the GitHub checks fails. * Will not necessarily be merged if all of the GitHub checks pass. * Will not be labelled or assigned to a milestone. .. note:: **Issues** vs **Pull Requests** * Issues are used to describe, discuss, and specify ideas and concepts. * Pull Requests are used to propose, describe, and discuss the implementation of previously agreed-upon ideas in Issues. Please do not create Pull Requests without prior discussion and agreement in the context of a related Issue. It will make everybody's live easier! Release Procedure ----------------- Confirm that the :guilabel:`NEXT` milestone contains: - No open issues. - One or more closed issues, each associated with one or more merged Pull Requests. Once confirmed, rename the :guilabel:`NEXT` milestone to :guilabel:`MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO` and create a new issue in it, labelled :guilabel:`release` and named "Release". Then: - Update ``__version__`` in ``src/pup/``. - Confirm that the documentation builds successfully, making adjustments if needed. - Update the :doc:`changelog`: - Run ``towncrier --draft`` and confirm the output. - If needed, add missing ``.deprecate``, ``.enhancement``, ``.bug`` or ``.other`` news-fragment files under ``docs/newsfragments``. - Once the draft output looks correct, run ``towncrier``. - Commit the version, documentation and changelog changes, tagging it :guilabel:`MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO`. - Create Pull Request against the "Release" issue. - Once all the GitHub checks pass, merge the Pull Request. - Update the local repository with the GitHub merged changes. - Release in PyPI: - Install release dependencies: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -e .[release] - Build the release artifacts: .. code-block:: console $ rm -r build/ dist/ $ python sdist bdist_wheel - Upload to test PyPI: .. code-block:: console $ twine upload -r test dist/pup-* - Test the installation into a freshly created virtual environment: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -i pup - If ok, upload to PyPI: .. code-block:: console $ twine upload -r pypi dist/pup-* - Confirm the installation into a freshly created virtual environment: .. code-block:: console $ pip install pup - Lastly, cleanup again: .. code-block:: console $ rm -r build/ dist/ - Confirm the versioned documentation is available at `Read the Docs `_. - Close the :guilabel:`MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO` milestone. - Lastly, create a new :guilabel:`NEXT` milestone.